The Benefits and Drawbacks of Having Trees in The Garden

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Having Trees in The Garden

Interacting with nature is considered to be wonderful for fighting stress, so having your private outdoor area can greatly help your sense of amusement and comfort. At the same time, a well-kept, natural garden may add value to any home.

You’d imagine that any healthy garden would have at least one tree when it comes to gardening, right? In practice, while there are many people planting trees and tree-planting efforts underway worldwide, perspectives differ on whether keeping trees in a yard is a wise idea which is why it’s widely debated.

Root Formation and its Potential Harm

Although not all trees near buildings cause harm, roots can enter your home’s foundations, rendering them unsafe and causing gaps in walls and floors.

A tree’s underground root system tends to resemble the canopy above it. Furthermore, tree roots can spread three to four times or more the breadth of the top and the tree’s diameter.

Some trees even require more water than others. Some trees, such as willow, poplar, oak, and maple, should never be planted near a house.

Possible Pest Manifestation

Trees, of course, provide a natural environment for a vast range of animal species. However, if the species in question is a pest like rats, woodworm, or termites, the case becomes considerably less attractive. Rotting timber in old tree stumps attracts more of these pests.

Termites are often regarded as one of the most devastating pests on the planet. They are sometimes referred to as “white ants” but are more closely connected to cockroaches. They can destroy wooden constructions because they feed on plant materials and timber.

Trees Offer Shade and Privacy

Your house and yard should be a pleasant setting where you feel at ease, away from prying eyes. Thus, foliage can create a barrier between public and private areas. 

Because potential burglars won’t be able to see what’s in there to take, trees blocking the public eyes can also function as thief prevention. However, adding quality exterior lighting with motion sensors is strongly suggested to ensure the security of your home.

The greatest garden layouts should also provide an appropriate balance of sun and shade. Be mindful when arranging your landscape design to place any trees in the appropriate position.


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